Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits
whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the
I once heard a great preacher say, “What the church needs
most is discernment.” Christians all too often lack the spiritual discipline
of discernment. When we get to 1 John 4, John knows this and he instructs the
church to become a discerning people. Often, however, spiritual immaturity
becomes the seed-bed for toxic theology and faulty thinking. The longer I have
Graham and Cecelia, the more I realize that parenting and childhood are simply
two great parables of the Christian life. There is a lot that can be learned
about yourself and your natural tendencies spiritually when you carefully watch
a one-year old. As babies grow and
mature, eventually the “shovel technique” is perfected and they begin to grab
anything and everything and shovel it into their mouths. Whether it is a
cookie, or a toy, or a piece of garbage they find near them on the ground,
anything and everything goes straight to the mouth. Babies, physical ones and
spiritual ones, are a pretty undiscerning crowd. Without proper training both will
ultimately be devastated by the ingestion of all sorts of strange things. Spiritually
speaking, this toxic lack of discernment has been a filter-down side-effect of
years of poor biblical interpretation and the inculcation of extra-biblical
teaching. At times the spiritually immature are excited through the means of
humor, empathy, or guilt, and are left with an emotional buzz. Perceiving this
buzz as “the moving of the Spirit,” they then seek only the “high” that the
buzz brought, and never actually feel the weightier things of truth that are
presented from God’s Word. They find that their “favorite preachers” are the
ones who bring this buzz. Sadly, the undiscerning walk away from the
church-substitute “comedy hour,” invigorated and excited that they “have heard
from the Lord,” but never truly changed or helped. For this reason, people must
be trained. Theology must be learned. It is not good enough to attend church.
You must learn what you believe. You must know what God says. You must
understand His truth so that when a substitute is presented you can be able to
easily distinguish it. You must learn what “the proclamation of God’s word” truly
is and what it isn’t.
Food For Thought: Why do many people fail to realize that
certain “preachers” are not actually preaching God’s Word?