Friday, January 16, 2015

John 21:24-25

As the Gospel according to John began, we used the illustration of a courtroom to understand what the Apostle John’s goal was. He was seeking to give undeniable proof to the fact that we find in John 20:31, that “Jesus is the Christ [the Messiah], the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.” Systematically, John presented the evidences, one after the next, to demonstrate that beyond a reasonable doubt, Jesus truly was the Messiah.
Through accomplishing the miraculous, through His own testimony, and even through the testimony of those around Him, it was clear that Jesus was the bodily fulfillment of the promised Messiah. Jesus demonstrated inexplicable power over the natural element of water, converting it miraculously to wine. Jesus showed that He had power over disability and disease when He supernaturally healed the man who had been lame for 42 years. Jesus exhibited again inarguable ability over nature when He took five loaves and two fishes and unbelievably converted it into a massive feast that fed thousands. He revealed His unearthly wisdom as He stood amongst the greatest scholars and scribes of His day and left them bewildered and even at times frustrated because of His overwhelming command of the truth. It was from the spittle and mud on the fingertips of the powerful Jesus that for the first time one born blind would receive his sight. With His words He raised a dead man back to life. On the back of a donkey He rode into Jerusalem under the praises of the people. After being savagely beaten and dying, He overcame Death by resurrecting victoriously over it.
His works spoke for themselves. But arguably more powerful than His works were His words. In teaching, He had demonstrated that none could argue with His understanding of the Law. The precision with which He could think and illustrate brought challenger after challenger, all of which agreed that they could not best Him. With that impeccable reason and clarity of communication, He had stated that He was without a doubt the Son of God. He had come to be the Messiah who would save the world by dying on the cross for sinners. His life met His teaching, and eventually the testimony of all those around Him would match the reality of His life. Even as Jesus stood before John the Baptist, the prophet, He had been introduced in redemptive language, “Behold, the Lamb of God!” Those around him would have to admit that He was indeed the Messiah.
As John closes this great testimony, we see a sort of witness statement. He says, “I’m the disciple which testifies of these things, and writes these things.” In effect, “Perhaps you noticed at each of the stories there was a disciple that followed along and witnessed it all. That disciple is me.” This was not a list of hearsay events. This was not a list of wives fables that were handed down through misguided and myth-birthing centuries. This document, this Gospel account, this entire treatise that we just heard came from the mouth of a first person witness to these events.
The evidence is clear. The testimony is sure and without flaw. Now, what we are left to do is what John set out for us to do: believe, and that believing we might have life through His name. Jesus is indubitably the Messiah who came to save the world. We would do well to see the witness and believe.

Food For Thought: In John 21:25, John claims that there are limitless other stories that he could tell about Jesus. Why do you think John didn’t write any more of the things that he had seen?

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