And hereby we do know
that we know him, if we keep his commandments. He that saith, I know him, and keepeth
not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoso keepeth
his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we
are in him. He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even
as he walked.
Christianity is not a list of “dos” and “don’ts.” The point
of the gospel is that Jesus already “did” all that needed to be done for us to
have right standing before God. Any who come afterward and say that in order
for you to be saved you must “do this”, or “be that”, just simply isn’t reading
the Bible. “For by Grace are you saved through is a gift of God, not
of [our] works.” We can’t “do” enough, but thanks be to God for what Jesus has “done.”
So then, what is the connection of law and command with the Christian life? If
salvation isn’t all about us doing something, why is there so much Old and New
Testament scripture about “doing?” If Jesus already accomplished what needs to
be done, what is there that is left to do? 1 John 2 says that if we know Him,
we should keep His commandments. It has to do with obedience. We are saved by faith.
But as Christians we are called to obedience. This is not only an outward
obedience, this is an obedience that comes from a heart that truly desires to
please God. It is not to appease a God that threatens wrath or judgment, it is
to please a God that has already offered love and forgiveness. The basis is
love not fear. His desire when He extended His grace was not just that you
would be liberated from the penalty of your sin, but that you would also find
freedom from the power of sin in your life. A truly “saved” person finds the
identity of their Christianity in this – an eternal reality of redemption, and
a present Spirit-empowered autonomy from the former master, sin. This present
emancipation then stands as a signal of our new life in Jesus and of our right
standing before God. It is not itself the saving work, it is just the
outworking of the saving work. Your godly living does not save you, but it does
indicate that God has done a transforming, saving work in your heart.
Food For Thought: How
are we saved? What phrase from today’s text is the God-given indication of the
reality of His saving work in our lives?
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