The “tink…tink…tink” of a hammer smacking a nail rang
through the town and filtered through the beech trees of the nearby woods. A
brown-cloaked monk stood at the large wooden doors on the front of the
University Chapel of Wittenburg. Holding the paper with one hand and the hammer
with the other, this truth-hungry monk had no idea what he was starting. It was
late fall, a typically cool time of year, but more importantly than the weather,
the coldness of the church-universal had finally reached a point of
intolerability. The sale of purgatory-lessening indulgences had taken the
church to a whole new level of unbiblical heresy, and this Bible-studying
Augustinian could have no more of it.
Martin Luther was not looking for revolution, he was simply
asking to debate the 95 points he had made against the sale of indulgences(Papal permission slips out of Purgatory). But reformation came like a flood,
and truth-hungry friends in low and high places began to support this new
mascot for biblical theology.
In his address to the young churches, Jude is encouraging
this mentality in the church. Little truth-defending Martin Luthers should with
boldness engage the heresy and deception that is creeping into the church. At
times a church congregation can become like a lop-sided basketball team, with
five all-stars (the pastor and deacons) who play all the time, and a whole room
full of bench-warmers who view their purpose as just sitting the pew. It is
seen as the job of the “trained” to engage others in truth, and the job of the
“untrained” to remain unengaged from truth.
This just isn’t biblical. There is no reason that anyone,
young or old, male or female, should not be engaging in active growth in and
defense of the truth found in Scripture. It is not a job that is relegated to someone with the
title of Pastor. It is the job of all who would take the title of Christian.
Like the young monk of 1517, we each should take responsibility in our
hand and choke up to the faith-contending duty to which we are called. It will
only come with study. It will only come when we know the truth of Scripture. Now let us dive
deep into the truth that God has given.
Food For Thought: What is the phrase that Jude uses to
describe “fighting for what is right?”
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