And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal
life, and this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that
hath not the Son of God hath not life.
“He who has the Son has life.” Jesus left heaven and experienced all of life just as you and I have. However, He lived a perfect life. While everyone else has disobeyed God and broken His perfect designs, Jesus never transgressed. There was no wrong that He ever committed. Ironically, His true righteousness enraged the self-righteous religious crowd of the day, and they sought to destroy Him by getting Him to contradict God in His teaching. But it never worked. More often than not, the religious guild acting as attempted-frustrators became indignantly frustrated as He expertly handled Scripture to lay open the idolatry of their hearts.
Finally they gave up on out-maneuvering Him theologically, and instead they sought to destroy Him physically. They devised a master plan whereby they could kidnap, try and execute Him. Little did they know that in their wickedness, they were just further accomplishing the purpose for which He had come from heaven.
You see, all of mankind had sinned. And that sin had been ushered in by one man’s disobedience- Adam. Jesus lived sinless, so that by His own life, sin could be destroyed. Just as life wrought with sin brought death, when sin was consumed by the death of Jesus, life was brought to all those who would believe on Him.
Now all those who trust in the saving work of Jesus have hope.
“He who doesn’t have the Son, doesn’t have life.”
Jesus told a Pharisee named Nicodemus that any who doesn’t believe that Jesus came to save all of mankind, is “condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” The life that was purchased for all mankind by the death of Jesus, will only be received by those who put their faith in His accomplishment, all others will remain in their condemned state.
The gospel is designed to liberate, and all those who arrogantly ignore it will perish, and have everlasting death.
Food For Thought: Read John 3, what does John say about why Jesus came into the world ?
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