Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we
have wrought, but that we receive a full reward.
The building shut down. The lights were turned off, and the
doors were locked. Huddled in the darkness of a broom closet, the recently
employed Vincenzo Perugia anxiously awaited his opportunity. When the coast
seemed clear, he crept from his closet undetected by the security guards. The
young Italian patriot sneaked across the hall and down the corridor that held
the highly acclaimed Da Vinci masterpiece, Mona
Lisa. In an instant, the painting was tucked beneath his coat and he was
gone. The theft of the most high profile painting in the world had occurred from
one of the most secure museums in the world.
It was two years later that Perugia was caught and the
Italian painting was returned to its French home. How could something this
valuable be lost? Didn’t the Louvre Museum know that it would be the target of
crafty thieves like Perugia? Why didn’t they take counter-measures to ensure
that it would never be stolen? Learning from the mistakes of the past, the
Louvre now has a $7.5 million state-of-the-art security room that the Mona Lisa stays in. The museum knows that something this valuable
is worth keeping.
Similarly, 2 John 8 tells us that there are some things
worth keeping. The truth as revealed from God is worth keeping. A love for
others is worth keeping. A discernment against those that would deceive is
worth keeping. We must guard our hearts and minds at all cost. The truth we
hold is more valuable than any 20” painting could ever be. We must guard from
any thief who would craftily steal the truth away from our hearts through
deceit or lies. We must watch for the deceit from within, like a burglar
huddled in the broom closet waiting for the opportunity to capitalize on a lack
of guard. Deception does not knock at the door and introduce itself, it
stealthy creeps in and topples all that is valuable.
We must guard our hearts from those that would delude us. We
must hold the truth tightly. It is of eternal value.
Food For Thought: Since we have the truth, what does John
tell us to do with it?
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